Le gaz russe s’invite dans le bras de fer sur l’Ukraine
Les cargos de méthane liquéfié seront au cœur de tout accord entre Trump et Poutine, prévient l’une des meilleures expertes du secteur.
For the latest updates on access to the Morningside campus, visit the Public Safety website. Read more.
Past Event
April 7, 2020
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
This webinar is part of The Cocooning Series: Four Webinars to Help You Stay on Track During the Stay at Home Order Are you discovering that working from home is not the dream you thought it would be? You’re not alone. Community, workflow, and time management can all suffer when we step out of the rhythm of the office. And the fatigue that comes from routine change and anxiety can frazzle nerves and leave you not at your best. Join us for this one-hour session where Claire Steichen, entrepreneur and coach who has worked from home since 2008, shares her best secrets. You will learn how to: • Structure your time so you have energy throughout the day • Create a To Do list that keeps you much more productive • Start daily habits that will leave you feeling accomplished, so you put down your work and enjoy the evenings Registration is required. The meeting link will be emailed on April 6 only to those who register for this webinar.
Nuclear energy is essential for addressing climate change and growing electricity demand. The United States has joined over twenty other countries in pledging to triple its nuclear energy...
Join the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA's Women in Energy initiative (WIE), the New York University SPS Energy, Climate Justice, and Sustainability Lab, and NYU’s Center for Global...
Please join the Women in Energy initiative at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia SIPA for a student roundtable lunch and discussion featuring Women in Energy’s...
This workshop will be conducted in two parts: Part one on February 12 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EST, and Part two on February 13 from 2:00...
The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) framework[1] was designed to help accelerate the energy transition in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) while embedding socioeconomic[2] considerations into its planning and implementation.
This analysis provides an overview of changes in production and economic outcomes in US oil and gas regions, grouping them by recent trends and examining their impact on local economies.