Venture Global entre en bourse, un symbole des grands espoirs placés dans le GNL aux Etats-Unis
Le champion américain du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) Venture Global doit entrer sur la bourse de New York. Cette opération, énorme,...-Energie
Current Access Level “I” – ID Only: CUID holders and approved guests only. Building Access: Normal building operating hours with exceptions. Read more about the campus status level system and campus access information. See the latest updates to the community regarding campus planning.
Improving public health is tied to quickly transitioning our energy supplies to clean, low-carbon energy sources. By developing and implementing solutions for clean energy systems as soon as possible, we can mitigate the damage to our global health.
While tens of millions of people work in formal energy jobs around the world, another group that comprises a massive and key labor segment in this sector is often overlooked: women and girls producing biomass
In an earlier article, the authors discussed the challenge of fertilizer shortages and food insecurity in Latin America and Africa. In most of the world, the production of...
The developing world has been hit hard by the fragility of the nitrogen fertilizer supply chain, a vulnerability exposed by various recent events perturbing the global economy,[1] most...
This paper explores both federal and state administration of LIHEAP, common ratepayer-funded affordability programs, and unique energy access and affordability concerns that arise in rural areas and Native American communities.
In 2020, 33.53 million U.S. households experienced some form of energy insecurity.
This summer’s wildfires on Maui are the largest environmental disaster in Hawaiian history. One of them, the deadliest[1] wildfire in the United States since 1918, caused near-total destruction...