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Past Event
May 12, 2015
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Please join the Center on Global Energy Policy for a discussion on India’s Energy Future, featuring remarks by:
As the world’s 4th largest energy consumer and the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gases, India’s energy policy choices will have significant implications for energy markets, geopolitics and global climate policies. How can India meet its economic, environmental and security goals with energy demand projected to double by 2035? How can energy access be improved for the nearly one-quarter of the population who do not have reliable access to electricity? What are the opportunities for furthering US-India energy cooperation? Following speaker remarks, a panel discussion moderated by CGEP Inaugural Fellow David Sandalow will explore these questions.
This event will be livestreamed at:
A podcast of this event (in addition to other past Center events) will be available ~3 to 5 days after the date of the event through iTunes or via our website.
For more information contact: [email protected]
The Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia SIPA is hosting a series of events during Climate Week NYC. These events play a crucial role in fostering dialogue...
The fashion industry is a major energy consumer and contributor to climate change. To achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the industry must transition into a circular economy from its current fossil fuel-based production and linear produce-use-dispose model.
Power Uptown will have three components: (1) Energy Opportunity Expo, (2) Energy Opportunity Teach-in, and (3) a Panel discussion with elected and appointed officials.
Women in Energy and Energy Opportunity Lab at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia SIPA is pleased to host Dr. Lauren Ross
Over the last three years, expansive energy transition and climate mitigation policy frameworks have been deployed on both sides of the Atlantic.
As new industries are emerging to support the energy transition, anti-corruption sanctions are an important part of the international effort to ensure that the global economy operates on...