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Columbia Energy Exchange

The Outlook for Energy in the Middle East


Ambassador James Jeffrey

Distinguished Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

From a crisis among the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, to concerns over the security of oil supplies, economic stability, and OPEC policy, to calls by President Trump to end the Iran nuclear deal, what do recent developments in the world’s biggest oil-producing region–the Middle East–mean for the energy sector?  Jason Bordoff speaks with James Jeffrey, the former U.S. ambassador to Turkey and Iraq, about key issues in the Middle East and their impact on global energy markets. Ambassador Jeffrey is the Philip Solondz Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He previously served as Deputy National Security Advisor and as a U.S. Army infantry officer, with service in Germany and Vietnam.

Among many topics Ambassador Jeffrey and Jason discuss, several include: The political situation in Iraq and the outlook for future oil production; The future of the Iran nuclear deal and ramifications should President Trump choose not to re-certify; Whether or not the GCC has meaning anymore; and the outlook for oil production in Libya.


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