Avec des stocks au plus bas, les inquiétudes montent sur le gaz naturel européen… Mais pour 2026
Baisse des stocks, températures froides, arrêt des exportations russes par gazoduc… Plusieurs chocs simultanés ressuscitent les...-Gaz naturel
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Baisse des stocks, températures froides, arrêt des exportations russes par gazoduc… Plusieurs chocs simultanés ressuscitent les...-Gaz naturel
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The sweeping new sanctions imposed on Russia’s energy sector by the Biden administration on January 10 mark a significant shift in strategy. Since the start of Russia’s full-scale...
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The year 2024 ended with a sobering milestone: it was officially the hottest year ever recorded. That pattern of extremes continues around the world, especially in Southern California,...
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This event is open only to currently-enrolled Columbia University students. As the pay gap between men and women persists, join the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia...
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Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics and of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Dr. Adam Sobel is a professor at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He is an atmospheric scientist who specializes in the dynamics of climate and weather, particularly in the tropics, on time scales of days to decades. A major focus of his current research is extreme events – such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts, and the risks these pose to human society in the present and future climate. He leads the Columbia University Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate. Sobel received his B.A. in Physics and Music from Wesleyan University in 1989 and his Ph.D. in Meteorology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1998. Sobel has received the Meisinger Award from the American Meteorological Society, the Excellence in Mentoring Award from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, and an Ascent Award from the Atmospheric Sciences Section of the American Geophysical Union, and his book about Hurricane Sandy, Storm Surge, published in October 2014 by Harper-Collins, received the 2014 Atmospheric Science Librarians International Choice Award in the popular category and the 2016 Louis J. Battan Award from the American Meteorological Society.
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